
garlic leaves Learn more about garlic leaves

  • Cultivation Techniques of Autumn Sowing Garlic

    Cultivation Techniques of Autumn Sowing Garlic

    Cultivation Techniques of Autumn Sowing Garlic

  • What are the seed prices and planting methods of garlic? How to choose garlic seed?

    What are the seed prices and planting methods of garlic? How to choose garlic seed?

    Garlic seedlings, garlic head, garlic moss and so on can be used for human consumption, and contain a lot of trace elements, such as vitamins, inorganic salts, sugars, etc., and also have a special pungent flavor, so they are deeply loved by people. So garlic seed price and planting

    2020-11-09 Garlic seeds price and planting methods what how
  • What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic?

    What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic?

    What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic? Please introduce that garlic is one of the vegetables that need more fertilizer and are more tolerant. The absorption dynamics of nutrient elements in garlic at different growth stages increased with the increase of plant growth. The germination period of garlic is from sowing to primary leaves protruding from the ground, which is characterized by roots.

  • The cultivation method and reproduction of garlic vine do you want to lose the leaves in winter?

    The cultivation method and reproduction of garlic vine do you want to lose the leaves in winter?

    Garlic vine is not generally good-looking, but also can climb the wall, garlic vine flowers are also particularly good-looking, just like a blossom of small trumpet flowers, what are the breeding methods of garlic vine? How do you reproduce? Do you want to lose the leaves in winter? The cultivation method of garlic vine: light and temperature, garlic vine likes light.

  • Four "tricks" of picking garlic moss


    In recent years, many garlic farmers have changed the planting method of planting garlic and digging garlic to the cultivation method of picking garlic mound and digging garlic weight for listing. Among them, many farmers do not know how to pick garlic moss scientifically, resulting in poor quality, low yield, small weight and reduced yield. in order to help garlic farmers not only pick high-quality and high-yield garlic moss, but also achieve the good benefit of bumper harvest, here are four "tricks" for scientific picking of garlic moss. 1. Choose the "moss tip" to bend nearly one circle in the appropriate time for picking. Garlic moss must be picked.

  • Comprehensive management technology of garlic

    Comprehensive management technology of garlic

    In the production and management of garlic, the early management is relatively simple, and the plant depends on the vegetative growth of garlic. When it grows to 5-7 leaves before winter, it can survive the winter safely. After the beginning of spring, with the rise of temperature, the root of garlic grows for the second time. After quitting the mother, it immediately entered a vigorous growth, and the yield of garlic was formed in this period, and this period was also a period of high incidence of diseases and insect pests. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the management of garlic in spring to lay a good foundation for the high yield of garlic. First, after the "sting" of the management of the return to youth, with

  • Four "tricks" of picking garlic stalks


    In recent years, many bolting farmers have changed the previous planting method of planting green garlic and digging green garlic to the cultivation method of picking garlic bolts and digging garlic weight for listing. Because many farmers do not know how to pick garlic bolts scientifically, either the quality of garlic bolts is poor and the yield is low, or the garlic weight is small and the yield is reduced, so they can not get the best effect of increasing production and income. In order to ensure the picking of high-quality and high-yield garlic bolts, and to make a bumper harvest of garlic stalks, I would like to introduce to you the four "tricks" of scientifically picking garlic bolts. 1. The right time for picking must be the right time to pick garlic stalks in the near circle of "bolting tip". Early picking will be made by

  • When is the best time to grow garlic? Key points of cultivation techniques attached

    When is the best time to grow garlic? Key points of cultivation techniques attached

    Garlic is a kind of edible garlic plant with roots, stems and leaves. Its garlic, garlic leaves and garlic bolts can be eaten as vegetables, and can also be used as seasoning to increase the flavor of vegetables. Garlic is rich in nutritional value, but also can have a certain health care value. Garlic is widely used in many places in China.

    2020-11-08 Garlic general when species ratio better attached cultivation techniques
  • Grow garlic at the right time

    Grow garlic at the right time

    Garlic is a necessary condiment in daily life, which is indispensable for cooking and cooking. In recent years, many pharmacological effects of garlic have been discovered, and it has been found that garlic can prevent and treat a variety of diseases. American scientists have listed garlic as a basic health food. At present, garlic has become a worldwide vegetable, especially in some countries that rely entirely on imports, the price of garlic is higher. Garlic is suitable for growing in a cool climate, avoiding heat and being afraid of cold. The Yellow River Basin in China is a suitable growing area for garlic. At present, some places have become

  • How should garlic be watered and fertilized?

    How should garlic be watered and fertilized?

    How should garlic be watered and fertilized? What is there to pay attention to? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce because garlic has a long growing period and requires less water, but more fertilizer, so the planting network has sorted out the methods of watering and fertilization in the process of garlic planting, which are listed in detail for netizens' reference.

  • The knack of picking garlic moss

    The knack of picking garlic moss

    First, the picking of garlic moss must be used in a timely manner. Early picking will result in low yield of garlic moss due to insufficient extraction of moss, and a section of "excess moss" will protrude after harvest. Picking too late will not only affect the fresh and tender quality of garlic moss, but also affect the yield of garlic mound because the leaves are nearly senescent after picking garlic mound. The most suitable picking time is: the garlic moss is pulled out, and the "moss tip" bends nearly a circle. Second, leave a "wound" to the garlic when picking garlic moss. If there is a strong light on a sunny day

  • There is a "knack" for picking garlic moss

    There is a

    1. The appropriate time for picking. Picking garlic moss must be at the right time. Early picking will result in low yield of garlic moss due to insufficient extraction of garlic moss, and a section of "excess moss" will protrude after harvest. Picking too late will not only affect the fresh and tender quality of garlic moss, but also affect the yield of garlic mound. The most suitable picking time is: the garlic moss is pulled out, and the "moss tip" bends nearly a circle. 2. Pick the weather after the sun slopes on cloudy or sunny days. When picking garlic moss, it is easy to leave "wounds" to the stems and leaves of garlic. If you pick in bright light on a sunny day, it will be due to high transpiration,

  • How to select and retain garlic seeds

    How to select and retain garlic seeds

    Garlic is propagated with garlic. To keep the seed, we should choose the garlic with strong stem, thick green leaves, good root system, no diseases and insect pests, a large and strong garlic as the seed. At the same time, pay attention to timely harvest, garlic balls are harvested too early, garlic cloves are not full, not tight, next year, the germination potential is weak, the emergence is uneven, and the leaf body reel is not spread; garlic is too late, the garlic ball skin is broken, and there are many loose petals. The harvest time is generally 25-30 days after garlic vine harvest. When harvested, the aboveground should have four or five leaves, the hands of garlic cloves can be counted, and the outer skin is purplish red. Garlic balls must be harvested.

  • Five methods of garlic storage

    Five methods of garlic storage

    First, the method of hanging and hiding. When garlic is harvested, the garlic to be stored should be strictly selected, and those that are too small, rotten stems and leaves, damaged and damp should be removed. Then spread out on the ground to dry until the stems and leaves become soft and yellow, and the outer skin of garlic has dried. Finally, 50 to 100 heads of garlic of the same size are braided and hung under cool, ventilated and rainy eaves to be air-dried and stored. Second, the method of storage. After the garlic is harvested, remove the loose cloves, worm-eaten, moldy and injured garlic, and bundle them into a bundle of 50 to 100 heads.

  • Prevent the regeneration of degenerated leaves of garlic cloves

    Prevent the regeneration of degenerated leaves of garlic cloves

    In a certain period of garlic growth, the scale buds begin to differentiate, the leaves degenerate, the scale buds gradually form cloves, and the scales outside the degraded buds form the outer skin of cloves, which is the general law of normal growth of garlic. At the same time when the garlic stalk is exposed, a circle of small garlic leaves grows around the garlic stalk, and 5Mel 7 leaflets grow around the garlic stalk. These leaflets are a long new leaf growing from the outer skin of the new garlic cloves along the garlic stalk, but the growth point of the new garlic cloves does not sprout. This is called the regrowth phenomenon of degenerated leaves of garlic, and some are called two.

  • Matters needing attention in planting garlic

    Matters needing attention in planting garlic

    In recent years, garlic prices are very good, the majority of garlic farmers are very active in growing garlic, and they all want to grow high-quality and high-yield garlic, but in the production process.

  • How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when there is no light). The flower moss of garlic consists of two parts: the flower stem (moss stem) and the involucre (bract). The moss bud is the involucre at the top of the flowering stem of garlic, which contains underdeveloped inflorescences. The garlic seedlings with good quality should be fresh and tender, and the plant height should be about 35 cm.

    2020-11-08 Garlic seedlings greenhouse how cultivation garlic seedlings also known as green garlic no see the light
  • Detoxification of garlic by using aerial bulb as seed

    Detoxification of garlic by using aerial bulb as seed

    Garlic usually propagates asexually with garlic cloves (underground bulbs). Garlic cloves are abnormal lateral buds and are part of the parent body of garlic. long-term asexual reproduction will inevitably lead to the accumulation of virus in the body and the accumulation of other bad characters. resulting in the degradation of garlic species. On the other hand, the aerial bulbs produced by sexual reproduction of garlic have the process of natural detoxification during the alternation of sporophyte and gametophyte. According to many years' production practice, using garlic bulb (garlic bead) as seed can accelerate the reproduction of improved varieties, reduce the accumulation of virus and improve the viability of garlic seeds.

  • The causes of the latest garlic braids and preventive measures

    The causes of the latest garlic braids and preventive measures

    Braided garlic means that after the formation of garlic bulbs, the terminal buds of garlic grow into many slender clumps of leaves such as ponytail, so it is called braided or ponytail garlic. It will cause the new leaves of garlic not to grow normally, and the garlic bolts develop slowly in summer of photosynthesis.

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic braid cause and preventive measures
  • When is the best time for topdressing garlic? What kind of fertilizer is the best? What are the taboos?

    When is the best time for topdressing garlic? What kind of fertilizer is the best? What are the taboos?

    In the years when the market price of garlic continues to rise, growing garlic has become popular. Many farmers want to plant or plant more garlic to increase their income. However, when growing garlic, we must pay attention to the degree of fertilization. So, what's the best time for topdressing garlic?

    2020-11-09 Garlic topdressing the best time in when what to apply